

巴西将在其巴塔利亚水电站大坝上安装浮动太阳能光伏发电设备,Brazil to host floating solar PV at its Batalha hyd


Brazil to host floating solar PV at its Batalha hydropower dam

        国际工程公司Tractebel打算在巴西国营电力集团Furnas Centrais Elétricas拥有的52.2兆瓦Batalha水电站修建三座30兆瓦容量的浮动太阳能光伏电站。为中央熔炉项目实施这一复杂的可再生能源项目,Tractebel将为Batalha光伏发电厂I、II和III的实施开发基础项目。目标是达到30兆瓦的总装机功率。这将实现约90900光伏组件漂浮在水库。为达到目标所需的光伏组件的平衡将在地面上开发,利用巴塔利亚水电站曾经的施工现场,所产生的能源将足以满足近3万户家庭每月的能源需求。


       据拉丁美洲Tractebel能源产品线的负责人Maria Guilhermina Drummond说,浮式光伏太阳能电站的好处是多方面的。她解释说:“这种类型的装置在捕捉太阳能方面提供了一种效率增益,因为由于它们靠近水,因此模块保持清洁和凉爽,这是获得优异性能的一个重要因素”。
     浮动太阳能和陆基补充能源组合可再生能源事业部经理法比安费雷昂(Fabiane Ferrão)表示:“安装在水力发电厂未使用的蓄水池上用于太阳能发电的浮动模块是实现零碳未来的明智策略”。
    “这一非常规项目标志着我们在巴西复杂可再生能源利基市场的努力开始,补充和增加了自2015年以来,特雷泽贝尔在其他国家获得的浮动太阳能经验” 。 设计方表示:“为达到目标所需的光伏组件的平衡肯定会建立在地面上,利用巴塔利亚水电站建设和施工现场的优势。”。
        Tractebel可再生能源设备的主管Fabiane Ferro声称,在额外的水电站储槽上安装漂移部件是减少碳排放的“明智”方法。




International engineering company Tractebel intends to construct three floating solar PV plants with 30MW of capability at the 52.2MW Batalha hydropower dam, which is owned by Brazil’s state-run power group, Furnas Centrais Elétricas.

Carrying out this complex renewable energy project for Furnas Centrais Elétricas, Tractebel will develop the basic project for the implementation of Batalha Photovoltaic Plants I, II and III.

The objective is to reach a total installed power of 30MW. This will be achieved with about 90,900 photovoltaic modules floated on the reservoir.

The balance of the photovoltaic modules needed to meet the target will be developed on the ground, making use of what was once the construction site of Batalha hydropower plant.

The energy generated will be sufficient to meet the monthly energy needs of close to 30,000 homes.

According to Maria Guilhermina Drummond, superintendent of the Tractebel Energy Product Line in Latin America, the benefits of a floating photovoltaic solar plant are numerous.

"This type of installation offers an efficiency gain in capturing solar energy, since, as they are close to the water, the modules remain cleaner and cooler, an essential factor for superior performance," she explains.

Floating solar and land-based complement the energy mix

“Floating modules installed on the otherwise unused reservoir of hydroelectric power plants for the generation of solar energy is a smart strategy when aiming for a zero-carbon future,” states Fabiane Ferrão, manager of the renewable business unit.

“This unconventional project marks the beginning of our efforts in the niche of Complex Renewables in Brazil, complementing and adding to the floating solar experience Tractebel has been gaining in other countries since 2015.”

"The equilibrium of photovoltaic components required to satisfy the target will certainly be established on the ground, taking advantage of what was as soon as the building and construction site of Batalha Hydro," the design provider stated.

Drifting components on extra hydroelectric storage tanks is a "wise" means to decrease carbon exhausts, claimed Fabiane Ferrao, the supervisor of Tractebel's renewables device.

The Batalha hydropower plant lies on the São Marcos River, in the main Brazilian state of Goiás.

Brazil host an additional 1MW drifting solar plant at the Sobradinho dam, a 175MW hydroelectric centre on the Sao Francisco River in Sobradinho, in the state of Bahia.

Floating solar PV offers a benefit in Brazil, as the components as well as placement of drifting frameworks might aid to decrease dissipation from currently tested water storage tanks, while boosting electrical energy supply in times of dry spells.
